Our Dreams will become reality if only we had the courage to take necessary action and often walk the path least travelled”- Cut..

My life is nothing short of a remarkable journey with few ups and many downs, with a lot of struggles very early in life. My life as an undergraduate at Chettinad Dental College can be compared to Stainless steel. It has taught me to stay strong as stainless steel becoming hard with each hammering during the tough times and stay rigid and firm on your belief that I can do it! Everytime someone exposed my lacunae, I started filling my voids. This belief pushed me to work at a medical transcription company for a year during one of the toughest phases of my life, to earn enough money to survive and sponsor my dream of understanding the nuances of Titanium to bend enough inorder to blend enough by pursuing the Rajiv Gandhi university fellowship in implantology at Ambedkar dental college. The constant reminder that I am still not recognised as a specialist pushed me hard to clear NEET exam with a good enough score to secure a post graduate residency seat in the most sought after branch in the No 1 Dental college in the country, Saveetha Dental College! My journey here can be described akin to NiTi, highly resilient to withstand the grind of doing my residency and personal battles together and bouncing back in vigour with each opportunity to prove myself that I can!

Hi I am Dr Rama Raji Sankaranarayanan. This is the culmination of my incredible journey so far….


I am a hardcore clinician by heart chasing my dream to consistently create beautiful smiles.


I believe once a professional you are always a student, not afraid to constantly learn and unlearn so as to back my clinical skills with sound knowledge


I am a clinically oriented researcher intrigued with the awe of how things work. I believe just because it works it doesn’t mean it's perfect…

“We are a work in progress”